
Inplace provides an easy to do editing and display at the same time where clicking the output displays the actual content.

import Inplace from 'primevue/inplace';

Inplace component requires display and content templates to define the content of each state.

View Content

    <template #display> View Content </template>
    <template #content>
        <p class="m-0">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
            consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The closeCallback switches the state back to display mode when called from an event.

Click to Edit

    <template #display>
        {{ text || 'Click to Edit' }}
    <template #content="{ closeCallback }">
        <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-2">
            <InputText v-model="text" autofocus />
            <Button icon="pi pi-times" text severity="danger" @click="closeCallback" />

Any content such as an image can be placed inside an Inplace.

View Photo

    <template #display>
        <span class="inline-flex items-center gap-2">
            <span class="pi pi-image"></span>
            <span>View Photo</span>
    <template #content>
        <img class="w-full sm:w-80 shadow-md" alt="Nature" src="" />

The open event is used to initialize the content such as loading data in a lazy manner.

View Data

<Inplace @open="loadData">
    <template #display> View Data </template>
    <template #content>
        <DataTable :value="products">
            <Column field="code" header="Code"></Column>
            <Column field="name" header="Name"></Column>
            <Column field="category" header="Category"></Column>
            <Column field="quantity" header="Quantity"></Column>

Screen Reader

Inplace component defines aria-live as "polite" by default, since any valid attribute is passed to the main container aria roles and attributes of the root element can be customized easily.

Display element uses button role in view mode by default, displayProps can be used for customizations like adding aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes to describe the content of the view mode or even overriding the default role.

Closable inplace components displays a button with an aria-label that refers to the aria.close property of the locale API by default, you may use closeButtonProps to customize the element and override the default aria-label.

View Mode Keyboard Support

enterSwitches to content.

Close Button Keyboard Support

enterSwitches to display.
spaceSwitches to display.